Hotel Monte Vista

Hotel Monte Vista: The Most Haunted Hotel in Flagstaff

Today we are going to delve into Flagstaff’s spooky side, focusing on Hotel Monte Vista. Flagstaff’s got ghosts and I’ve got stories, so listen up closely, ‘because I’m about to let you know a very close and guarded secret, Flagstaff in Arizona is not just a place for seeing tall pine trees and mountain views, but it is crawling with ghosts and I’m definitely not talking about the sheet-over-your-head kind of ghosts.

So, Let’s cut right to the chase and talk about the crown jewel of Flagstaff’s haunted hotspot which is known as the Hotel Monte Vista. This hotel was first established in the year of 1927 and it surely does have centuries worth of tales to tell.

History of Hotel Monte Vista

Hotel Monte Vista

Hotel Monte Vista in Flagstaff was established in the early 1920s with the help of local residents when the saw the opportunity of building a hotel due to sudden rise in tourism in Flagstaff, Arizona. It opened its door to guests on 1st January in 1927 being named as Community Hotel, well after all it was built with the help of the local residents so I guess they surely need their duly credit.

The name didn’t stay for quite long and got changed after a 12 year old kid won a contest in which he changed the hotel name to Monte Vista which means mountain view. Not bad for a 12 year old kid in terms of creativity. Unfortunately, it didn’t stay for too long in the hands of the public and soon enough it was sold to a private investor in the year 1960, but that didn’t change it much as it continued being run as one of the oldest and historic hotels within Arizona.

So, if you’re looking for a run-of-the-mill vacation, keep walking. But if you want a story that’ll make your friends’ jaws drop faster than a lead balloon, the Monte Vista’s your ticket. Stay tuned, ’cause I’ve got more tales from this haunted hotel that’ll make your hair stand up straighter than a drill sergeant. And remember, in Flagstaff, the ghosts don’t say “Boo” – they say “Welcome to the party.”

Other Haunted Spots in Flagstaff

The Weatherford Hotel

The first one up is the Weatherford Hotel, this is more old school as compared to Hotel Monte Vista, as it was built in the year of 1897. See, I don’t like making up any random ghost stories but what I can tell is that there have been various ghostly stories that I’ve heard about this place that are just wild and crazy to believe. People talk about hearing footsteps on at random in the empty hallways which create an eerie environment, meanwhile some have stated seeing shadows of a man who many believe it to be the spirit of the hotel’s founder – Mr. John Weatherford.

Northern Arizona University

Next on our other haunted spots of Arizona is our very own Northern Arizona University, yup you heard that right! Even a university campus isn’t save from the ghostly encounters and terrifying horror stories. Morton Hall, which is also one the oldest dormitory is said to be haunted by a student’s spirit who gave up his life after suffering from depression. Students who live closely to the room have heard strange sounds, items shift from one place to another on their own that give a very creepy vibe. So, lets just say you wouldn’t want to pull an all-nighter there.

Why Monte Vista is Considered the Most Haunted?

Exterior of Hotel Monte Vista

If you are a thrill seeker or even a ghost hunter, I’m ready to tell you why Monte Vista is considered the most haunted and maybe you can go there yourself to figure out the Paranormal playground. Let me tell you that Hotel Monte Vista is not just haunted, it’s more like a 24 by 7 ghost roller coaster. as there are:

  1. Disembodied voices that’ll make your hair stand on end
  2. Unexplained temperature drops so be sure to bring you jacket and don’t worry about checking the thermostat
  3. Objects moving on their own
  4. Eerie mists that form and disappear in thin air
  5. Shadows and Apparitions of a person

Don’t be surprised but its not about the variety here as the paranormal activities are known to happen here all the time, This Flagstaff hotel might be your best chance to see a ghost rather then trying to find it in a parking space in New York City.

The Monte Vista Effect

The one thing that’s very clear is, once you visit Monte Vista, you are sure to be never the same again. And I’m not joking but its like joining an exclusive club, but instead of being a part of private fancy club, you get nightmares and a whole lot respect for the world beyond we know which is the supernatural.

I’ve seen guys , and i mean tough nut kind of guys who turned into cats in just a few moments. This place doesn’t show you ghosts but rather shows you a whole new perspective of the worldly views.

The Hotel Monte Vista Haunting Stories

The Meat Man

Known as the Meat man, or the butcher had one of the most strange habits where in he would hang his butchered meat from a chandelier, definitely one of the most strange sights for anyone. Anyhow, during the early 1980, the butcher was found dead in the room 220 under unknown circumstances. After sometime a repair man had entered the room to fix some new stuff , and returned back later to the room only to find bedsheets torn and the TV at full volume.

The Women on the Rocking Chair

Courtesy: YouTube /The rocking chair investigation by Travel Chanel

This is probably one of the most haunted room which is Room 305 within the flagstaff hotel, as per history it tells that a women used to live in this room who had rented it for a very long duration, she would be often seen sitting on a rocking chair and looking out of the window , however it seems like she has stopping rocking the chair even after her death. Many guests and the hotel staff have stated seeing the chair rocking itself at random times even where there no sign of wind in the room.

The Prostitute of Room 306

During the early 1940s, the Red Light District was quite close to this hotel which was just few feet away, that time two prostitutes were brought to the room 306 where both of them were brutally killed after which they were thrown from the 3rd floor window. Many males guests have stated seeing an apparition keeping a watch on them which makes them quite uncomfortable and suffocated during the night.

Experiences from the Guest

Room 220

Review from a guest in trip advisor about the most haunted hotel

There was a post from a guest who stayed at Room 220 in TripAdvisor where he wrote ” It is located in the heart of the Historic Downtown which is about three blocks. There is a history with this hotel involving ghosts and numerous celebrities. We specifically asked for Room 220 which is the room of the Meat Man. The story goes he hung raw meat from the chandelier in the room. His ghost haunts the room, we never encountered him”

Room 305

Another user writing about his experience in room 305 at hotel Monte Vista

Another guest who stayed at Room 305 in Hotel Monte Vista wrote ” We were given Room 305, which we later found is the “most active” room in the hotel. Luckily for us, we did not see the rocking chair move or the women who sits in it. What we did get was a very large comfortable room. The beds and pillows were quite comfortable. The bathroom, however, is tiny. It had the smallest sink I’ve ever seen. I had to keep in mind that this is a very old hotel and bathrooms weren’t in every room back then.”


Look, at the end of the day, staying at haunted hotel Monte Vista is about exploration and the thrill seeking adventure it gives. Go in with an open mind, a healthy dose of skepticism, and a sense of adventure.

Whether you end up with concrete evidence or just a good story to tell, the thrill is in the hunt. So book that creepy room, pack your gear, and get ready for a night you won’t forget. Who knows? You might just come face to face with something that changes your whole perspective on reality.

Now get out there and happy hunting!


  • Chandan Senapati

    I have 10 years of experience in the field of Travel and Lifestyle Industry. I have written more than 450 articles for various reputed platforms such as Huffington Post, MensXP, and Daily Mail. Having an immense passion for writing and a deep interest in the Travel and lifestyle industry.

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